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ALL-TEST Pro Introduces the AT5 Motor Circuit Analyzer

ALL-TEST Pro, LLC, Old Saybrook, CT, USA, is pleased to introduce its new, portable electric motor circuit analysis instrument, the ALL-TEST Pro® 5 (AT5). In minutes, the AT5 performs a comprehensive assessment of a motor’s health for troubleshooting, predictive maintenance and quality control of in-service, stored and incoming motors.

Ideal for low-, medium- and high-voltage AC motors and DC motors, as well as generators and transformers, the AT5 performs de-energized static and dynamic testing to detect faults at their earliest stages and provide a complete stator and rotor analysis. Instructions for all tests are provided on the backlit screen, minimizing the learning curve and eliminating the need for an instruction guide or manual.

Detailed reporting, after accurate, comprehensive motor data is collected by the AT5, uploaded and analyzed by the MCA software’s proprietary algorithms, provides a complete picture of the motor’s overall health, as well as problems such as bad connections, winding and turn faults, air gap, broken bar, contamination, ground faults and more.

Reference testing, a new patented feature of the ALL-TEST Pro® 5, allows the user to perform a baseline test that can be stored in the instrument and compared to future tests on the same motor. With a memory storage capacity for more than 650 tests, trending capability offers on-the-spot indication of possible issues with the motor. If a warning is triggered, further dynamic tests can be performed on the motor to pinpoint the source of the problem. All results can be uploaded to a PC for further analysis and report generation.

Route-based testing allows for reference testing and trending on all on-site motors. Once the motor list is compiled, the user simply follows the prompts from the instrument for each motor to be tested. Results can be uploaded and downloaded for trending, reporting and comparison with other historical data.

The AT5 weighs only 1.5 lbs. and can be connected directly to the motor’s terminals. Or, if the installed motor is not easily accessible or hard-to-reach, initial tests can be performed at the motor control center from distances of more than 1000 feet away.

The ALL-TEST Pro® 5 comes with heavy-duty custom Kelvin Clips, integrated Li-ION rechargeable batteries, charging adapter, MCA BasicTM software, rugged carrying case and user manual on CD. Optional carrying pouch, MCA PROTM software, training motor and standard Kelvin Clips are available.