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Design Out Maintenance (DOM) Strategy: Key to Minimize Breakdowns

Design Out Maintenance (DOM) Strategy: Key to Minimize Breakdowns

IMC-2018 Learning Zone 40:48

by Sudhir K Agrawal, Engineering & Management Consultant and Sushil Varshney, Academy of Industrial Management

In this presentation, the speakers will make recommendations for various strategic design improvement areas which can increase the lifespan of the equipment from maintenance component failure and system breakdown view point. They will also suggest a few basic steps in design such as:

DOM recommendations, as well as, present a few success case studies.

Other items included will be:

• To collect past maintenance historical records, create database of similar systems.

• To study, analyze and establish frequency of occurrence and root cause of failure.

• To perform engineering re-design / modify components to eliminate the past specific issues.

• To engage necessary mechanical, electrical, metallurgical and instrumentation engineers for improved design using new automation technology.

 • Consider using Kaizen or Ishikawa diagram approach.