Don't Let Your Assets Manage You: A Global Design for Reliability Story

Don't Let Your Assets Manage You: A Global Design for Reliability Story

IMC Presentation 43:52 Minutes

by Thomas Provanda, Merck

What Problem Are We Trying to Solve: Physical assets (equipment, systems, etc.) continue to challenge our sites from executing flawlessly and from achieving maximum asset performance/potential.

What's Our Solution: Partner with sites and stakeholders to ensure assets are effectively designed, managed and maintained throughout the entire asset lifecycle in order to maximize asset performance and unleash hidden capacity at our sites.

What's Our Value Proposition: To relentlessly ensure that a safe, dependable and maintainable asset base exists within Merck & MSD that provides a consistent supply of quality drug products based on a total cost of ownership approach. Ultimately subpar asset performance is experienced as well as overspend in total cost of ownership.

Participants will learn how a large pharmaceutical company has taken an aggressive approach by embedding design for reliability within a capital project management process, transition from CapEx to OpEx and the overall benefits that can be realized over the lifespan of an asset. The intent is to safeguard assets commissioned at the end of a given project ensuring they are developed in accordance with the capital expenditure (CapEx), operating and maintenance expenditure (OpEx), and total cost of ownership (TCO) priorities and production performance requirements, without health, safety, reputation, and product quality incidents during operations. The Asset Reliability CapEx Platform is a systematic way of integrating design for reliability principles with key project stakeholders using a set of approved reliability blueprints in concert with the existing CMP process. These principles have been mapped and procedurally embedded within the GES CMP fabric.