Dr. Howard Penrose Named Director of Membership for SMRP

In this position, Dr. Penrose is responsible for:

- Membership Committee: Develop and retain membership. The committee chair
is Forest Pardue of 24/7;

- Communications Committee: Headed by Dan Anderson of LCE. This group maintains the SMRP Solutions magazine, website, and other efforts related to communications
with our membership;

_ Supplier Relations: Headed by Tim White of MRG Solutions. This group works with supplier members of SMRP; and,

- Chapter Development: Headed by Jeff Haverly of Lilly Co. This committee works with developing chapters and developing student chapters.

Interested in becoming a member of SMRP? Go to http://www.smrp.org/join_SMRP/Membership_Benefits.htm
and join now!

Members receive plenty of benefits, plus you can access SMRP material such as the SMRP reliability metrics, the new Reliability Benchmarking capability (save $350
for the first 100 studies ordered before April 1, 2009 ).