Developing Leadership in an Organization, a Force Multiplier

Reinforcing Developing Leadership In An Organization A Force Multiplier

by Neil Meyer and Matthew Mahoney, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District

The evolution of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District’s culture was the catalyst for advancing reliability and asset management at the district. Everyone is a potential effective reliability leader, provided they are not just fixing things but improving things at their level of involvement. This ownership, whether eliminating defects, or supporting and driving organizational objectives, ultimately reduces the total cost of asset ownership. Central San has a committed to engaging and empowering its staff through various means, such as: leadership academies, mentorships, celebrating successes, encouraging experimentation, and listening to and encouraging its people.

Learning takeaways:

  1. Leadership is more than organization structure.
  2. Setting examples, listening to others, taking chances, collaboration and recognizing contribution.
  3. Building on strength, collective intelligence.