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Building a "Homegrown" Reliability Network

Building A Homegrown Reliability Network

Jonathan Guiney, JLL -CRL Black Belt & CMM

Reliability engineers are a unique breed, they require a vast skill set and excellent communication skills to navigate the complexities of any organization. Finding the "perfect" RE in a geographically constrained local is difficult and one of the reasons for developing an internal pipeline of "homegrown" reliability engineers. The age old homage of hiring for attitude and aptitude holds true here, if they are willing to learn, have the ability to learn, we can teach them reliability. During the presentation we'll go through how JLL is building their Reliability Engineer network including our dedicated REs and supporting staff enabling the Reliability Journey. We'll discuss what competencies we look for in our Junior REs versus Senior REs and outline our processes for career development opportunities. And for those struggling to get an RE network off the ground, we'll discuss how to sell your leadership on the benefits and how they can add value to your organization.