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Hydroelectricity World Leader Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie Goes Live with Copperleaf C55

With assets valued at over $20 billion, Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie welcomed the installation of a strong platform to support a more risk-informed, evidence-based approach to its investment decision making processes, both to align with best practices and to meet current and future needs of customers in Quebec and across North America.

“Hydro-Quebec TransÉnergie invests close to $2 billion in the development, modernization and long-term operability of the power system on an annual basis. We needed a tool to help us plan and manage those investments more strategically-across various stakeholder groups and approval levels throughout the company,” said Marie-Claude Roquet, P. Eng., Chief of Planning and Asset Management at Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie. “With Copperleaf’s C55 solution, we have aligned our investment planning and management process with best practices, to ensure that our capital investment projects fully support our corporate goals, and that our planning processes factor in all of the resources-financial, labour and materials-required to execute those projects.”

“Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie is one of the largest transmission operators in North America, and is widely recognized as a technology leader in the utilities industry,” said Miranda Alldritt, Copperleaf Project Manager. “The project was completed on time thanks to the strong leadership within Hydro-Québec that drove participation from key stakeholders across the company. We are thrilled that they selected C55 and are excited to see their team begin using the system to drive their asset investment decisions.”

About Copperleaf:
Vancouver-based Copperleaf helps asset intensive organizations rethink the traditional approach to capital planning, asset life cycle planning, and budgeting. We pioneered C55 to help organizations integrate planning, analysis, approval, and execution so that they can make asset investment decisions that are effective, transparent, and focused on the long-term performance of the organization. Since 2000, we have been empowering utilities and other asset intensive organizations to make decisions with greater confidence.