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ISO 55000 Asset Management Standards: Timeline

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2000: NPMA and ASTM International establish ASTM Committee E53 Asset/Property Management Systems Standards •

2004: IAM developed PAS 55 published by BSI  •

2008: PAS 55 v2 published by BSI •

Winter 2009: BSI proposes PAS 55 as the basis for an ISO Management Systems Standard for Asset Management •

Spring 2009: ASTM E53 decides to engage in the ISO Asset Management standards development process

November 2009: ASTM E53 approved as official U.S. Technical Advisory Group (US TAG) by ANSI •

June 2010: Preliminary Meeting of ISO Asset Management Committee in London, England

September 2010: ISO approval of PC 251, Asset Management Systems

January 2011: First Working Draft (WD1) released

February 2011: U.S. comments on WD1 submitted by US TAG

March 2011: First Official Meeting of PC 251 in Melbourne, Australia

April 2011: Working Draft 2 (WD2) released for comments

June 2011: US TAG Face-to-Face Meeting at ASTM HQ in Philadelphia, PA

August 2011: U.S. comments on WD2 submitted by US TAG

October 2011: Second Official Meeting of ISO PC 251 in Arlington, VA (hosted by US TAG)

November 2011: First Committee Draft (CD1) for comments releasedDecember 2011: US TAG Face-to-Face meeting to craft U.S. comments at AMP Conference in Bonita Springs, FL

January 2012: U.S. comments on CD1 submitted by US TAG

February 2012: Third Official Meeting of ISO PC 251 in Pretoria, South Africa

March 2012: Second Committee Draft (CD2) for comments released

April 2012: US TAG Face-to-Face meeting to craft U.S. comments at Meridium Conference in Jacksonville, FL

May 2012: U.S. comments on CD2 submitted by US TAG

June 2012: Fourth Official Meeting of ISO PC 251 in Prague, Czech Republic

September 2012: Draft International Standard (DIS) released for ballot and comment

January 2013: US TAG Face-to-Face Meeting to discuss, comment and vote on the DIS for Ballot

February 2013: US Vote and Comments on DIS to be submitted by US/TAG

April 2013: Fifth Official Meeting of ISO PC 251 in Calgary, Canada

November/December 2013: FDIS ballot (if necessary)

February 2014: Target date for the release of ISO 55000

Publisher's note: What do you think ISO-55000 Asset Management Standards mean for maintenance reliability professionals? Email Uptime Magazine Publisher Terrence O'Hanlon:

Jim Dieter is the Director of Strategic Programs for Sunflower SystemsTMand U.S. Head of Delegation on ISO PC 251 developing ISO 55000 •