Meggitt Sensing Systems Introduces Endevco General Purpose Accelerometers

Available in standard model sensitivity ranges from 500 mV/g to 10 mV/g with optional high-temperature (to +150°C) and TEDS versions, design of the Endevco® model 7251A series incorporates an annular shear piezoelectric sensing element, along with an internal hybrid signal conditioner, within a two-wire system. The system transmits its low-impedance voltage output through the same cable that supplies constant current power, with high-output sensitivity and wide bandwidth, while exhibiting low base strain sensitivity and excellent output stability over time. Its lightweight construction, weighing just 10.5 grams, effectively minimizes mass loading effects. Signal ground is connected to the outer case of the unit and, when used with the supplied isolated mounting screw, it is electrically isolated from ground.

Units are supplied with a 10-foot cable, isolated mounting screw and installation wrench.  Recommended signal conditioners for the Endevco® model 7251A series include the model 133 three-channel signal conditioner, the model 2775B benchtop amplifier, the model 6634C vibration amplifier and the model 4990a (Oasis) multi-channel system. Recommended mounting accessories include the model 2987 adhesive mounting adaptor and the model 2950M3 triaxial mounting block.

All of Meggitt’s Endevco® accelerometers are accompanied by a comprehensive five-year product warranty, with certain models available at specially discounted rates under the -R Replacement Sensors program. For detailed technical specifications, drawings or additional information, visit