MMI Saves OEMs Time and Money by Sourcing the Most Efficient Production Facilities

When a large company sets out to produce the next-generation smartphone or commercial jetliner, they assemble the best resources available for the task while making sure they invest most heavily in the work that they are uniquely competent to do. Apple, for example, recruits the very best engineers and scientists and builds the best research facilities in order to stay technically ahead of their competition. Other tasks, such as production, might be sourced to outside companies with the best preexisting abilities.
In either case, the search for the best is never limited to a single geographic area. The best is utilized wherever it might be found.

Most small companies don’t have the kinds of resources as large organizations, but the same principle applies on a smaller scale. An original equipment manufacturer (OEM) that serves a market with a simpler or more mature product still wants to create the best, highest value product for its customers. They should not be bound by geographic limitations. Finding the most efficient production facilities can be a daunting task:

•    The suppliers must be located
•    Suppliers must be evaluated as to their suitability for the required task
•    Suppliers must be managed so that they might become an integral part of the OEM’s production process

For each successful supplier relationship, there will be many failures. The process is, therefore, quite wasteful and time consuming.

Michigan Manufacturing International has a ready-made supply chain that allows a manufacturer to instantly plug in a sourcing solution. MMI CEO Jacob Prak said, “At MMI, we can save OEMs time and money by sourcing the highest value products that naturally lead to a better market position and higher profits.”

The supply chain management system from MMI provides local management of a customer’s pre-existing supply base. Services include:

•    Initial supplier quality survey
•    Purchase order management
•    Quality planning
•    Sampling
•    Process evaluation and control
•    Final inspections
•    Logistics management

These activities are supported by a proprietary systems application which was developed specifically for the integration of a global supply chain.

Founded in 1991, Michigan Manufacturing International (MMI) specializes in supplying manufactured to print assemblies and components to original equipment manufacturers (OEM). Products include assemblies, castings, stampings, machined parts, gears, bearings and more. Services include product engineering, manufacturing, inventory management and stocking programs - all designed to streamline client operations and increase profitability. MMI designs the most effective, highest quality solutions from anywhere in the world.