ReliabilityWeb Logo Welcomes the Association of Asset Management Professionals Chapter in Ecuador

[Fort Myers, Florida, 6/24/2019 ]® and the Association of Asset Management Professionals (AMP) are pleased to announce that an AMP chapter has opened in Quito, Ecuador, under the leadership of Luis Alberto Tilleria and Carlos Sanita. 

Ecuador is a country with considerable industry, but there is a need to improve its competitiveness and profitability, as well as the safety of its industrial processes. A fundamental pillar contributing to these objectives is asset management, and value will be added to processes and industry as the culture and practices of asset management develop in  Ecuador.

Thanks to AMP, the Ecuador Chapter has started with the participation of committed and motivated professionals from various industries including oil and gas, energy, manufacturing, food and beverage, education and consultancy, textiles, information technology, road construction, and engineering. 

The first meeting of the Ecuador Chapter, with participation by’s Terrence O’Hanlon and Maura Abad via Skype, saw the selection of Luis Alberto Tilleria as Chair and Carlos Sanita as Vice-Chair. The vision of AMP was set out for all members, and participation in chapter events and forums was encouraged. Each member discussed relevant activities within the context of their own functions, and internal work groups were designated. Members observed that a detailed AMP strategic plan was needed, as well as plans for marketing and communications. Members also determined that one of the group’s major objectives would be to seek government influence in order to ensure that asset management would become a regulated process, so that value can be added to Ecuadorian industry.

The AMP Ecuador Chapter actively seeks to reinforce the culture and application of best practices in asset management in Ecuadorian industry. This will enable Ecuador to become more competitive within the region. In addition, by enhancing the security and profitability of Ecuadorian industry, employees will achieve a better quality of life. 

About the Association of Asset Management Professionals

The Association of Asset Management Professionals, AMP (formerly the Association for Maintenance Professionals), has a mission to create a new era for the practice of maintenance reliability in the context of asset management for organizations to enhance the delivery for the triple bottom line of economic prosperity, environmental sustainability and social responsibility.

AMP offers the Certified Reliability Leader® and Certified Maintenance Manager™ exams. AMP is also the umbrella organization for Women in Reliability and Asset Management (WIRAM).

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