Skilled Workforce in the 21st Century

Through the initial concept and development of this project, we had similar views as those presented by almost all of the studies that were reviewed in-depth for this study and in general, as other articles, studies and materials have been presented recently. However, by taking a look into the history of business, the workforce and Reliability & Maintenance, a different pattern emerged. In fact, it almost appears that if many of the other studies' recommendations are enforced through academia and the government there may be more harm than good as these efforts attempt to hold back business and the skilled workforce progression through this latest evolution.

What we are seeing, in our time, is quite similar to occurrences at the turn of both the 19th and 20th Centuries as the attempts to stop or slow the industrial revolution, scientific management and the assembly line actually generated more harmful chaos then helped. In today's global competitive climate such chaos and hesitation can irreparably damage an economy. Just as our forefathers could not fully predict their future...

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