Solutions Virtual Conference - Session 31

Solutions Virtual Conference - Session 31

IoT Series:Observations from an IIoT/EAM “Enthusiast”

by John Murphy, Senior Advisor, Association of Asset Management Professionals (AMP)

Recently retired from a Fortune 500 transportation firm, John created the corporate asset management vision. And later, as Chief Mechanical Officer, he led the EAM/IIoT transformations for five heavy asset classes. He will share key observations (AKA lessons learned) from his journey.

Educational Session: Discovering Design for Reliability Interview

by Marie Getsug,Program Manager, Asset Management Group (AMG), Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.

This webinar is presented in an interview format to explore how a Project Engineer’s experience with maintenance and reliability teams influenced how capital projects could be designed for the stakeholders who maintain and operate them. This is achieved by capturing their experience, interests and ownership during the concept and design phase.

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