Solutions 2.0 2015 - Essential Elements of a Successful Reliability Program
12 September 2015
Summary of key points:
- Make reliability programs money driven‐‐not technology driven. Sell improvements as about time and money issues-it's the voice of business!
- Use reliability tools/technology to reduce lost money issues.
- Work the $Pareto list based on actual failures and the $risks of possible failures.
- Discuss the top 10 $Pareto items with management. Progress is reducing $losses in months‐‐not years.
- Forecast future $failures for next 3‐5 years using Crow‐AMSAA reliability growth plots.
- Use root cause analysis to solve critical failure issues within the top 10 $items-Why? That's where the money loss occurs!
- Sell management that reliability programs are to their advantage for changing the site culture from $failure accepting to preventing $failures with fact driven engineering effort with an empowered/enabled work force.
- Encourage individual confessions of errors without punishment-look to the nuclear industry and the US Navy carriers as examples.
- Empower and enable your workforce for better performance.
- Describe improvements in $ not things.
- Make money for the company by reducing failures and making improvements pay their way. Do it NOW!