Uptime Award Winner: Best REM Program - San Jose Water

Uptime Award Winner: Best REM Program - San Jose Water

IMC-2019 Learning Session 45:23 Minutes

by Curt Rayer and Andy Yang, San Jose Water

San Jose Water (SJW) serves high-quality, life sustaining water to over 1 million people in the Silicon Valley and greater San Jose metropolitan area. Hundreds of thousands of assets spread out over multiple cities must continue to perform their intended functions in order to provide high-quality, reliable water service. Although absolute reliability is unrealistic and infeasible, SJW has successfully leveraged advanced engineering criticality analyses to enhance infrastructure reliability and improve maintenance strategy.

This presentation will touch on SJW’s risk and criticality analyses performed for every pipe, valve, pump, motor, well, tank, reservoir, control valve, MCC, and generator, which involved the use of numerous tools, algorithms and modeling engines. In addition, it will cover how SJW’s enhanced capability to forecast system risk has been integral to both determining 100-year capital renewal projections and strategizing maintenance investment to enhance long-term system reliability. Lastly, it will provide an overview of SJW’s engagement in reliability-centered design approaches using a modified version of the RAMS2 method.