Just because you pour syrup on it don't make it a pancake!
Certain ingredients are required to make a reliability program that is desirable, meaningful and sustainable. The minimum ingredients are:
- Equipment criticality rankings to recognize where to correctly apply maintenance and reliability efforts.
- Understanding what components (bearings, valves, switches, etc.) lead to functional failures in the equipment.
- Applying the proper mixture of inspection-based, time-based and condition monitoring-based efforts to mitigate conditional changes before they result in unwanted equipment failures.
- Make sure equipment is installed correctly to start with so equipment reliability issues are not introduced from the get-go.
- Ensure that equipment is designed to be reliable.
- Create proper metrics to verify performance.
- Do the work!
Unfortunately, many facilities often apply incorrect methods that do not result in the desired reliability results. Basically, they pour syrup (do the wrong fundamental things) on their equipment and call the result a pancake (reliability). Make sure your facility is applying the correct mixture of efforts to create the real result desired.
Learn how LUDECA can help you with your maintenance and reliability needs