One of the questions often asked by a new user to an Asset Health Information systems is "what do I do now?" After the dust has settled and the new system has been unwrapped and installed, training has been delivered and all the excitement has turned into thoughts of how, what and why, don't despair just follow a few helpful tips and get the ball rolling!
It is much better to get traction on a few items in a 3 - 4 month period than waiting until you have everything 100%, if you attempt to tackle everything at once, you may never get going! We need to remember that we are now under the spotlight to show the benefits of the investment that has been made. Just start your asset analysis methodically.
Here is a simple set of questions that will help to identify the assets that will provide value to the 'Reliability program';
- Does the failure cause a loss of function that may?
- Hurt or injure someone or breach any environmental regulation
- If Yes (Notify the stakeholders)
- No
- Have an adverse effect on production?
- If Yes, Rate the effect of the failure
- Is the total cost of the failure greater than $*****k
- Yes
- Monitoring interval 1
- No
- Is the total cost of the failure greater than $****k
- Yes
- Monitoring interval 2
- No
- Is the total cost of the failure greater than $***k
- Yes
- Monitoring interval 3
- No
- Is there a high probability that secondary damage to the machine exceeding $*** will occur?
- If Yes, rate the failure as above
- If No, no action required
If we follow this guide we then make an informed decision on what and when we monitor, this will then provide a consistent approach to the program. If we use this or a similar tool we then avoid the risk of 'Emotional maintenance' that is when we let our heart and not our head make the decision to carry out a task. As your program develops or operating conditions change the failure costs and intervals can be revisited and modified as required.
Tip provided by Kevern Rump, Service Engineer, Commtest