Have You Taken The Reliability Leader Fluid Cleanliness Pledge?

Reliability Leader Fluid Cleanliness Pledge
Reliability Leader Fluid Cleanliness Pledge

Stop Pouring Dirt and Sand Into Your Assets

New oil is typically 32X dirtier than you want to be putting into your machines!

New oil is typically 32X dirtier than you want to be putting into your machines!Reliabilityweb.com

Poor lubrication storage has contributed to substantial number of equipment failures. (Up to 82% according to major studies)

Proper lubrication storage is one of the most controllable of all reliability achievement and life cycle extension practices.

Fluid Cleanliness JourneyReliabilityweb.com

The entire organization should embrace contamination control as a strategic decision and recognize the benefits of achieving targets.

Have you and your team taken the Reliability Leader Fluid Cleanliness Pledge?

Reliability Leader Fluid Cleanliness PledgeReliabilityweb.com

I hereby pledge that I will use Uptime Elements Lubrication Framework and will no longer permit dirty oil to be added to our machines as we advance the road to fluid cleanliness

Learn more about starting your fluid cleanliness journey by searching the extensive archive of Lubrication Reliability articles and videos available at Reliabilityweb.com or by joining us at the International Maintenance Conference to learn from peers in the Reliabilityweb.com Community of Practice.