What is your Reliability Risk meter set at?

Reliability Risk Meter
Reliability Risk Meter

"The physics of failure is not theoretical, nor the reliability spend variable" - Vic Rioli

[Click here to watch Vic Rioli's RAP Talk from IMC-2019]


"The asset will respond to the physics of failure regardless of the business decisions" - Terrence O'Hanlon

Physics of failureReliabilityweb.com

It is usually the best strategy to address these known and knowable risks with effective counter measures and improve them over time

Known and Unknown RisksReliabilityweb.com

There are discoverable failure modes and mechanisms in the context of consequences for a relatively small amount of investment in Reliability Strategy Development as expressed by Uptime Elements Reliability Framework and Asset Management System.

Discoverable failure modes

Discoverable failure modesReliabilityweb.com

That discovery is a valuable step to develop asset knowledge for reliability strategy development, defect elimination and cross-functional reliability decision-making.

cross-functional reliability decision-makingReliabilityweb.com

The Reliability Risk meter is set by the culture.

The Reliability Risk meter is set by the culture.Reliabilityweb.com

Who sets the Reliability Risk meter at your organization?

Find me at LinkedIn and add your voice to the conversation - Terrence O'Hanlon