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Mobius Institute Podcast: Predictive Maintenance and Condition Based Monitoring

You can listen to this 30 minute audio podcast via streaming by clicking the arrow (requires speakers or headphones) below or you can download the MP3 audio file for your iPod, Blackberry, Smartphone or other portable audio player.

About Jason Tranter
Managing Director/Founder
Mobius Institute
Melbourne, Victoria [Australia]

Jason Tranter is the founder of Mobius, and the main developer of the iLearnVibration, iLearnAlignment and Interpreter products (and more to come!), and the author of the vibration training course material and simulation software.

"If you have seen me speak at a conference, or during a training course, you will know just how enthusiastic and passionate I am about about vibration training. For many years people have struggled with vibration analysis, never really gaining the results they desire, never really understanding the concepts and analyzer options. Since 1999 I have been on a campaign to change that. The self-paced courses and training products are practical and understandable. It is fun to teach with them, and it is so rewarding to see people understand for the first time concepts that have eluded them for years."

Jason has been involved with condition monitoring since 1983. He has written large scale vibration monitoring systems (on-line software, data collector software and automated diagnostic software) for one of the leading suppliers of such products for a number of years, and has written all of the user documentation for those products. Jason has also delivered classroom training on vibration analysis and software products since the early 80's, and he has given technical papers on the subject at P/PM, Vibration Institute, IMC, VANZ, PdM and other conferences over the same period.

When Jason is not at his computer (or traveling the world) he is spending time with his two wonderful boys, James and Michael.

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Terrence O'Hanlon

Terrence O’Hanlon, CMRP, and CEO  of® and Publisher for Uptime® Magazine, is an asset management leader, specializing in reliability and operational excellence. He is a popular keynote presenter and is the coauthor of the book, 10 Rights of Asset Management: Achieve Reliability, Asset Performance and Operational Excellence.


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