IMC is set to revolutionize how we think about Asset Management. Happening in Marco Island, Dec 16th - 19th 2024

IMC 2024 is designed to equip you with the knowledge, strategies, and tools needed to lead with foresight and innovation.

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It’s Supposed to Sound That Way

It’s Supposed to Sound That Way

The plant had begun to experience a strange rash of pneumatic and instrumentation failures after a week of heavy thunderstorms.

Maximize the ROI of Your SAP PM

Maximize the ROI of Your SAP PM

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, like system applications and products in data processing (SAP), are critical systems for managing a business and its operations.

Initiative Coordination and Executive Sponsorship Buy-In

Initiative Coordination and Executive Sponsorship Buy-In

A citywide electric utility launched a multi-year program to enhance asset management, leveraging expert consultants and leadership to implement best practices and drive organizational change.

Developing Reliable, Long-Term Maintenance Strategies for Large Diameter Water Pipelines

Developing Reliable, Long-Term Maintenance Strategies for Large Diameter Water Pipelines

The Central Arizona Project (CAP) faces significant corrosion issues in two critical steel pipelines that transport nearly two billion gallons of water daily across Arizona. With limited maintenance windows, CAP explored three options: ongoing repairs, building a bypass for extended maintenance, or replacing the pipelines with low-maintenance concrete. After a thorough analysis, CAP chose to rehabilitate existing infrastructure and reline the steel pipelines, ensuring long-term reliability for Arizona’s water supply.

A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox
How a Change Can Derail the Launch of a Laser Alignment Program

How a Change Can Derail the Launch of a Laser Alignment Program

A tale of battling tradition with technology, and how a friendly competition convinced even the most seasoned mechanics to embrace change.

Making a business case for Condition-Based Maintenance

Making a business case for Condition-Based Maintenance

Many experts believe that predictive maintenance (PdM) isn't reaching its full potential. Surprisingly, the challenges holding it back aren't just technical—they're financial.

Why Your Fluid Analysis 
Program May Not Be Living 
Up to Your Expectations

Why Your Fluid Analysis Program May Not Be Living Up to Your Expectations

Many condition monitoring (CM) programs fall short of expectations due to overlooked critical steps and practices from the outset.

What Am I Supposed to 
Do With This?

What Am I Supposed to Do With This?

Tales from the Shop are designed to cover the universal and painful lessons that we are likely to learn on a typical reliability journey. Hopefully our contributors pain will be your gain!

Sustaining RCM Success Using the Uptime Elements Framework

Sustaining RCM Success Using the Uptime Elements Framework

RCM implementation must be strategic for it to succeed and be sustainable. The Uptime ® Elements framework is ideal for building the support, reasoning and process for an RCM effort.

The Support Needed to Launch, Maintain and Improve Your Reliability Strategy!

The Support Needed to Launch, Maintain and Improve Your Reliability Strategy!

The need for executive sponsorship when launching, maintaining and improving an effective reliability strategy is paramount. See the difference in this Tale from the Shop.

This Is the Best in Class

This Is the Best in Class

When a critical gearbox failure occurred in the area that had deviated from the plan, management recognized the value of the centralized approach and mandated its adoption facility-wide.

AI for Reliability and Asset Management

AI for Reliability and Asset Management

Labor force changes, more consumer demand, and supply chain issues have created a high-pressure situation. Maintenance managers must achieve better results with fewer resources. Fortunately, technology can help.

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