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leadership for reliability

Reliability Radio EP 305: Jim Carrel, Forum Reliability

Reliability Radio EP 305: Jim Carrel, Forum Reliability

"I always learn something new from Jim Carrel." Don’t miss this information packed podcast!

Creating the Necessary Leadership for a Defect Elimination Culture

Creating the Necessary Leadership for a Defect Elimination Culture

Paul Monus speaks about his work, right from the source, with Winston Ledet.

Reliability Radio EP 303: George Parada, JLL

Reliability Radio EP 303: George Parada, JLL

We have a discussion with George Parada about his personal reliability journey, what his challenges and successes have been.

A weekly collection of recommended articles and videos to boost your reliability journey. Right in your inbox
The Post-CRL Experience: Earning CRL Domain Mastery Belts for Reliability Projects

The Post-CRL Experience: Earning CRL Domain Mastery Belts for Reliability Projects

Earning your CRL is about taking action that would not have happened without you. Mastery Belts recognize your actions in advancing reliability.

Addressing the Reliability Staffing Problem with a Robust Maintenance Apprenticeship Program

Addressing the Reliability Staffing Problem with a Robust Maintenance Apprenticeship Program

We have recently updated our Maintenance Apprentice program by adding a detailed curriculum, tracking mechanism and follow up processes to ensure apprentice success. In addition, we have won executive support for its implementation, funding and also for headcount projections.

Reliability Radio EP 301: Kendra Mock & Jon Cameron, CRL-Black Belts, JLL

Reliability Radio EP 301: Kendra Mock & Jon Cameron, CRL-Black Belts, JLL

Listen to this podcast where we have a chat with Kendra Mock and Jon Cameron on their reliability journey to becoming CRL black belts to help you chart your own course towards CRL certification and beyond.

The Will, Skill, and Drill to Succeed

The Will, Skill, and Drill to Succeed

Learning takeaways:

  1. Who is the right person for a role?
  2. How can we determine a fit?
  3. Can a team be successful with wrong players?
Applying the Uptime Element Implementation Guide to your Reliability Journey

Applying the Uptime Element Implementation Guide to your Reliability Journey

"The Uptime Elements Implementation Guide" is in its 3rd revision, and we're looking for feedback on how it's helped you in your reliability journey. Come work with a group of your peers to socialize issues faced, collaborate on how to solve complex problems, and add to the next revision.

Regional Reliability Journey (Case Study) through the Uptime Elements and OPEX Environment

Regional Reliability Journey (Case Study) through the Uptime Elements and OPEX Environment

Share Reliability Journey through the Uptime elements, integrated into the company's Reliability model, within Lean/OPEX environment.

Building Reliability Culture Through In-House Training

Building Reliability Culture Through In-House Training

In 2022, San Jose Water deployed in-house training videos to over 190 employees across various departments. Featuring engaging storytelling, relevant examples, and interactive learning evaluations, videos were followed by in-person debriefs to reinforce points and solicit feedback from employees.

AI for Reliability and Asset Management

AI for Reliability and Asset Management

Labor force changes, more consumer demand, and supply chain issues have created a high-pressure situation. Maintenance managers must achieve better results with fewer resources. Fortunately, technology can help.

Build a Workforce Development Strategy for Smarter Operations

Build a Workforce Development Strategy for Smarter Operations

This session introduces a 3-phase process and strategic plan to support development, carve a path to up/re/skill teams, and prepare for a shift in traditional roles brought on by industry’s push towards digital transformation.

Understand Your Audience: How to explain the need for reliability in your company.

Understand Your Audience: How to explain the need for reliability in your company.

When it breaks we are the heroes who come in to fix it quickly and cheaply then go away until it breaks again. Getting both the executives and the staff to focus on 'Don't Just Fix It; Improve it' approach takes different strategies.

Reliability Radio EP 297: Paul Morgan & Carey Sealy, JLL Leadership

Reliability Radio EP 297: Paul Morgan & Carey Sealy, JLL Leadership

Listen to this podcast where JLL Work Dynamics’s Global COO Paul Morgan and America COO Carey Sealy discuss their perspective on why they support reliability initiatives.

Uptime Elements Alignment with Deming's System of Profound Knowledge

Uptime Elements Alignment with Deming's System of Profound Knowledge CEO Terrence O'Hanlon relates A Reliability Framework and Asset Management System™ to principles of scholar W. Edwards Deming's famous theory.

How to Best Study for the Certified Maintenance Manager Course and Exam

How to Best Study for the Certified Maintenance Manager Course and Exam

Certified Maintenance Manager (CMM) Instructor Michael Meehan shares study tips for the CMM Exam.

Our Reliability Journey: Next Steps in the Quest for Continuous Improvement

Our Reliability Journey: Next Steps in the Quest for Continuous Improvement

We will discuss plans that will help others just starting their journey and our next steps.

Regional Reliability Journey (Case Study) through the Uptime Elements and OPEX Environment

Regional Reliability Journey (Case Study) through the Uptime Elements and OPEX Environment

You´ll see the initial diagnosis, hypothesis, development of the multi-year strategic plan, implementation sequence, follow-up & measurement. English and/or Spanish.

Do you know what you are doing? 8 Essentials for Effective Business Process Mapping

Do you know what you are doing? 8 Essentials for Effective Business Process Mapping

Process mapping, a value-added activity costs money and consumes valuable resources time. However, skipping process mapping can be much more costly.

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