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Oil Analysis for Controlled Purity

The most important component of a hydraulic system is the hydraulic fluid used to operate the system. Trouble-free operation is only guaranteed if the fluid is in proper condition. It is therefore necessary to check both the condition and the composition of the hydraulic fluid over and over again

PODS measures the particle concentration in the hydraulic oil

Hydraulic oil is contaminated by particles entering from the outside, by component wear debris, or by aging of the oil. Excessive particle contamination of the oil results in seized valves, broken pumps, and worn seals. PODS detects concentrations of up to 90,000 p/ml (ISO code <24), even on-line at operating pressures up to 420 bar. PODS returns an accurate oil diagnosis within a minute. Based on this information, it is possible to take action appropriately, i.e. change the oil or initiate other measures.

PODS measures the viscosity

Changes in oil viscosity can also affect the performance and the durability of hydraulic components. by means of a built-in sensor, PODS detects changes in oil viscosity caused by oxidation, reaction with water or metal ions, or degradation of additives.

PODS measures the temperature

PODS enables field measurement on working machines by recording contamination levels under operating conditions at operating temperature. High oil temperatures can be caused by seized pump controllers or clogged water separators, with a resulting increase in the number of particles. Both high oil temperature and high concentration of articles in a particular size range can also be an indication of free water. For this reason, PODS also measures the oil temperature with a built-in sensor.

Additional functions

Measured results are stored by PODS for subsequent evaluation and printing. For this purpose, PODS can be connected to a computer. Using the PODSWARE software, it is possible to convert the data into the Excel format for evaluation. PODS also supports detailed analyses of the condition of the hydraulic oil, both in the field and in the lab. Preventive maintenance can then be specified appropriately in order to avoid machine down times.

FSP - Fluid Systems Partners GmbH is a sales organization built to combine several highly specialized, well-established production and sales companies, with experience in different areas of fluid power technology. The US division, Fluid Systems Partners US, handles the distribution in North America of ARGO, ARGO ECOTEC, HYTOS and ARTI Portable Oil Diagnostic Systems. FSP is your contact for system solutions for fluid power technology and your supplier of all products manufactured by the FSP Partner companies. FSP is responsible to provide all relevant information and coordinates your solution. Experienced product managers from all FSP divisions and their distribution centers are your contacts when it comes to technical details

For more information please contact: Steve Graber, Product Manager, Fluid Systems Partners US, Inc., P.O. Box 28, Bowling Green, OH 43402 Phone: 419-353-6070 x104 Fax: 419-354-3496 email: or visit our website at


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