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Effective Technician Mobility is Critical to Reliability & Asset Management

MaximoWorld Presentation 27:35 Minutes

by Scott Smith and Martin Merryman, Skookum

Field techs, with effective mobility, are critical in the quest for Reliability & Asset Management (RAM) improvement:

Reliability – With effective mobility, techs improve capacity by shedding waste-time, manual processes AND improve reliability by having “right data at right time” (i.e., asset history, specs, docs, sensor alerts).

Asset Management – With effective mobility, techs capture key data for downstream decisions (i.e., asset condition, needed repairs, failure info, detailed notes).

This rich field data is then transformed into ‘actionable information,’ enabling RAM program objectives. Unfortunately, most mobility projects fail partially or completely, rarely achieving RAM objectives which require rich field data. To succeed, many factors must align: business plan, sponsorship, right platform, tech collaboration, IT engagement.

This presentation outlines Skookum’s mobile program, shaped by leading companies/partners and aligned with Uptime Elements. This in-house effort evolved in 4 phases using practical, lower cost technology: Building a strong foundation; E2E paperless work management; E2E paperless material management; and Extend mobility for RAM.


  1. Building strong foundation for Mobility – business case, sponsorship, architecture, functional leadership, tech collaboration, engaged IT
  2. Build paperless E2E work and material processes – incremental plan, extending to outside partners, ROI-based extensions, practical technology
  3. Incrementally add RAM capability – both (a) getting right data to techs via mobility and (b) turning tech field data into actionable information, enabling RAM program objectives


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