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Holistic Approach to Asset Management and Delivery of CBM Field Services

TRC-2019 Learning Zone 30:30

by Julian Zec, National Oilwell Varco

Innovations in essential rig equipment such as blowout preventers, top drives and draw works have enabled quantum leaps in well construction capabilities. Uptime along with optimized and effective maintenance and proper upkeep is critical and gets a lot of attention from oil and gas operators. Increased access to data provides value when it translates to actionable information that reduces both operating cost and non-productive time. Carefully combining equipment and sensor data, machine learning, OEM equipment design knowledge, operational experiences, supply chain and field services also enables maintenance optimization to reduce cost while improving both reliability and performance. 

Data driven condition based maintenance (CBM) services were introduced in 2016. Before that we managed, delivered and lead complex asset management and technical services for more than 40 vessels and on hundreds of equipment within Subsea (Riser, BOP), drilling, and lifting and handling disciplines. Services that we provide range from technical advisory support to full total cost of ownership (TCO) programs. All services are delivered on management, engineering, supply chain, engineering levels and as field service / work, depending on modern technology infrastructure. This journey also required broader changes in our and fleet owners culture, initiated adaptation to new collaboration ecosystems and ways products and services are delivered. It required more flexibility in thinking but also being more compact to collaborate. The presentation will cover how data is analyzed and utilized to optimize equipment health and upkeep, with emphasis on design and organizational lessons learned. It will also relate this knowledge with improvements in execution CBM programs. Feedback is the foundation to drive improvements in all phases of the equipment life cycle.


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