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Performance Analytics to Drive Maintenance Strategies

Performance Analytics to Drive Maintenance Strategies

IMC Presentation (37:37)

Michael Guns, University of Delaware

Maintenance strategies are pivotal in keeping your asset portfolio operating at peak performance. Performance analytics can be built around leveraging this incredible power from your computer maintenance management system (CMMS). Visual displays can give your executives, directors, managers and technicians a view into how their performances can impact your business and better guide your future continuous improvement.

How you present the information to others can be a challenge as well. Some data is easily obtained by creating a spreadsheet and inputting with critical points that you want to track. Data is also embedded in CMMS programs like Maximo, Akwire or other programs through a series of tables. Cultivating this data from whatever source is how we can show the effects of the strategies put in place. This discussion will focus on those types of data and how to visually represent them. There will be a live demonstration with some of the tools for a real world feel and practicality.

Learning Outcomes: Learn some suggested visuals for showing your data easily with Microsoft Excel and Maximo that will engage your respective groups. Understand that charts of data are as impactful as visual charts depending on the individual that needs the analysis to help with efficiency in your maintenance strategies. Learn how these analytics can empower your workforce to align your strategic, proactive, preventive, and corrective maintenance with a few techniques depicted from your CMMS information.


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