Knowing and obtaining the most important books in asset management and having the most influential Ten Top in reliability is one of the great advantages offered by the maintenance conference organized by, the 36th Annual International Maintenance Conference 2022, co-located with The RELIABILITY 4.0 Digital Transformation Conference, organized by and with the presence of the most successful companies worldwide.
To promote the knowledge and preparation of the participants to these workshops, IMC 2022, through as the organizing entity, has created the MRO-Zone Bookstore, a space to acquire the best maintenance books. This MRO-Zone Bookstore has titles on many topics about reliability and asset management, among them Uptime Elements Internet of Things (IoT) and Digitalization Framework Passport; Uptime Elements Implementation Guide: Enabling the Reliability Journey; and Beyond Planning and Scheduling: Team-Based Work Control Management.
Uptime Elements Internet of Things (IoT) and Digitalization Framework Passport is "a digitalization strategy framework to guide organizations in implementing IoT to achieve a business goal or objective." Industry 4.0 is a reality and this book, which completes the Uptime® Passport Elements™ series can help organizations support their reliability and management solution for their physical and digital assets and thus get more value from the assets by gaining better insights into the data generated by IoT devices and how to manage it to make processes more efficient and less costly. Concepts such as Digital Twin, Data Governance, Automation, Digital Transformation or the benefits of IT/OT convergence are clearly explained in this book.
Regarding Uptime Elements Implementation Guide: Enabling the Reliability Journey, it addresses how to execute the development and implementation of a reliability management program. It is a journey involving assets, people and culture, with challenges, barriers, difficult decisions, successes and failures. To understand these aspects at play, the Virtual Special Interest Group for the Implementation of Uptime® Elements™ (vSIG) came together to discuss this journey and present a series of tips and recommendations for all those organizations embarking on this journey. The contributors to this guide have experienced the ups and downs, the successes and failures, and have the experience in how to manage change to "create valuable and sustainable reliability and asset management solutions." It is an absolutely valuable and useful guide that captures real-world experiences from the most prominent figures in the maintenance industry.
Finally, Beyond Planning and Scheduling: Team-Based Work Control Management is a book that captures the complexity of today's industrial maintenance. Factors such as asset management, resources, people, production, inventories, contracts, engineering, planning and scheduling fall within the range of knowledge and skills that new managers must handle. This book presents a structured, team-based approach to managing our physical assets, and is a comprehensive guide to building and managing world-class maintenance organizations, a must-have handbook for all who aspire to asset management and reliability leadership professionals.
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Conferences: International Maintenance Conference and MaximoWorld. More information:
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