EXTON, Pa., U.S.A. - June 13, 2014 - Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading company dedicated to providing comprehensive software solutions for sustaining infrastructure, today announced its final call for submissions to the 2014 Be Inspired Awards program. The deadline for entries is July 10, 2014. The awards, which are selected by an independent jury of industry experts, recognize the extraordinary and innovative work of organizations that help sustain the world’s infrastructure by designing, engineering, constructing, delivering, and/or operating better-performing, safer, and more resilient roads, buildings, plants, utility networks, and more. The 18 award categories cover every aspect of the built environment in this uniquely comprehensive, global program.
All Bentley users are invited to enter their projects in the Be Inspired Awards program, no matter what phase the project is in - preconstruction/conceptual, design, construction, or built. The three finalists chosen for each Be Inspired Awards category will win a trip to London to attend, as a guest of Bentley Systems, The Year in Infrastructure 2014 Conference, being held Nov. 4-6 at the Hilton London Metropole in the U.K. The finalists will present their projects in the Be Inspired Awards Finals portion of the conference before the judges, industry thought leaders, and more than 100 members of the media gathered for this highly interactive event comprising presentations, summits, and workshops.
Chris Barron, Bentley vice president, corporate communications, said, “Our annual Be Inspired Awards program is a grand celebration of extraordinary achievements in infrastructure. The Finals portion puts the best-of-the-best projects, along with the organizations that brought them to fruition, in the global limelight. Project presentations - in front of leading executives in the world of infrastructure design, construction, and operations and journalists from top media outlets gathered at The Year in Infrastructure 2014 Conference - bring immediate and valuable recognition for every finalist. Winners receive further acknowledgment as they are presented their handcrafted trophy at the Be Inspired Awards Ceremony. But every nomination is part of the celebration and recognized across the broader infrastructure community with the support of Bentley’s global marketing team.”
The Be Inspired Awards program provides participants with the opportunity to:
· gain global recognition by having their architectural or engineering infrastructure projects profiled in Bentley’s Infrastructure Yearbook, which is distributed in print and digital formats to nearly 200,000 key media, government, and industry influencers around the world; in addition, finalists and winning projects are featured on the Be Inspired Project Portfolios website page;
· enhance their competitive edge by demonstrating to existing and potential clients the value they and their respective organizations add to projects;
· receive media coverage by interacting with global media as well as members of the Bentley team, who will help them market and promote their respective projects.
For additional information about the Be Inspired Awards program, or to fill out a submission form, visit www.bentley.com/BeInspired
About The Year in Infrastructure 2014 Conference
The Year in Infrastructure 2014 Conference, being held Nov. 4-6 at the Hilton London Metropole, in London, U.K., is a global gathering of leading executives in the world of infrastructure design, construction, and operations. It will feature a series of presentations and interactive workshops exploring the intersection of technology and business drivers and how they are shaping the future of infrastructure delivery and investment returns. Among the Bentley keynote speakers are CEO Greg Bentley and CTO and Co-founder Keith Bentley. Included in the lineup of guest keynote speakers is Ed Merrow, founder and president of Independent Project Analysis, Inc. and author of Industrial Megaprojects: Concepts, Strategies, and Practices for Success.
The conference will also include the Be Inspired Awards Finals program and presentation of the Be Inspired Awards to the winners, as well as summits focused on infrastructure asset performance and project delivery, and forums focused on building; engineering, procurement and construction as well as architecture and engineering; oil, gas, chemical and mining; oil, gas, chemical and mining - offshore; road and rail; and utilities (electric, gas, and water).
For additional information about The Year in Infrastructure 2014 Conference, visit www.bentley.com/YIIconference