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Bermuda Electric Light’s Abayomi Carmichael Receives Ascendant Impact Award

According to the company, the Ascendant Impact Award is recognized as the most important and coveted form of recognition available to the employees of the subsidiaries of the Ascendant Group. The program will also be a most effective means of publicizing to the Ascendant family, as well as to the general public, the high caliber of dedicated employees in BELCO, BGU and PureNERGY’s service.

According to Carmichael, The real relevance of this is not so much that I won the award but the words of the CEO as he announced the decision and how he was able to make such a difficult decision between the 3 finalists for the award. He looked at the impact of the kind of work being done - I was nominated for the strides made in Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), specifically Maintenance Strategy Development and Root Cause Analysis (RCA) focused on getting us toward our goals - and recognized that it is the future for the company.

I accepted the award of course on behalf of my colleagues, without which our strides could not have been made. But quietly, I was even more proud to see recognition for the central role of Reliability coming, officially and in grand style, from the highest levels in our organization.

Please join in offering congratulations to Abayomi and the entire maintenance and reliability team at Bermuda Electric Light Co.

You can see Abayomi Carmichael and Pieter Wessels present Is Your Business Firing on All Cylinders? How Root Cause Analysis on Big Diesels Reveals Radical Solutions - A Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Case Study on a Large Diesel Engine at Reliability 2.0 April 20-22 in Fort Lauderdale Florida.

More details here

Abayomi Carmichael

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