Best-selling Author Dave Logan to be Keynote Speaker at April Maintenance Reliability Conference has announced Dave Logan, the co-author of Tribal Leadership and Three Laws of Performance, is the keynote speaker and will present a short course at the Reliability 2.0 Las Vegas conference.
Logan’s keynote and a short course will draw on the ideas and research of his two international best-selling books. Tribal Leadership reports on an 8½ year study involving more than 24,000 people. The Three Laws of Performance is generally considered the definitive book on organizational transformation, edited by leadership expert Warren Bennis. Put together, the two books show the five types of tribes and how each can be transformed.
Reliability 2.0 will be held April 8-12 at the Southpoint Casino and Hotel in Las Vegas. It attracts more than 400 maintenance reliability professionals from more than 15 countries each year.
“Dave is a powerful teacher who we fully expect will create immediate changes in the way we think about generating performance and results,” states Terrence O’Hanlon, Publisher for and Uptime Magazine, a free publication on maintenance reliability. “Maintenance reliability professionals and asset managers are realizing the importance of leadership and culture on their work. Dave has the ability to deliver powerful paradigms that will have impact for participants at Reliability 2.0 Las Vegas.”
When a machine is designed, one of the major considerations the engineer must make is the selection of proper rolling element bearings. Some of the factors to consider in selecting bearings are shaft speeds, loads (both axial and radial), the environment they will run in, how to relube them, the duty cycle, etc.
In today’s fast-paced connected world, you and your organization create an abundance of data. In the past, large corporations with multiple locations relied on in person site visits or information provided by the on-site team for updates to productivity in facilities. But what if there was a way to do this remotely?
There was a terrible fire in a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) plant. It destroyed piping and a critical air cooler (fin fan) and damaged pumps, valves, cables and supports. Fortunately, although there were injuries, no one died.
A large water utility decided to investigate maintenance reliability best practices. There were eight different treatment plants and eight different maintenance managers.
A week after the plant started up after an annual planned outage, an injection pump motor failed. The motor’s insulation had failed, shorting between phases.
We worked with Newark Airport, NJ, testing lube samples from ground service vehicles. For years, results were unremarkable until, during cold months, gasoline engines showed elevated abrasives with corresponding Fe (iron) wear and Si (silicon), an indicator of abrasives.
A large water utility decided to develop and implement a corporate risk management program that could identify and manage the top twenty-five risks across the organization considering three focus areas: corporate, operational and asset risks.
Skookum maintains infrastructure and equipment across twenty national sites and is committed to providing customers with higher reliability and enabling their asset management program. These objectives require quality asset information to improve maintenance outcomes, make repair versus replace decisions, and drive the cost curve lower.
In 2006, British mathematician Clive Humby famously stated that “data is the new oil,” recognizing that the transformation of data into useful information would become a global driver of economic growth.