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Building and Promoting Diversity: First Ever Diversity in Reliability and Asset Management Hackathon

[Fort Myers, FL, 7/8/2019 ] –® and the Association of Asset Management Professionals (AMP) are pleased to announce the first Diversity in Reliability and Asset Management Hackathon will be held December 6-7, 2019, at the Reliability Leadership Institute® in Fort Myers, Florida.

A lack of diversity (gender, race, age, background, physical ability, etc.) currently affects many organizations seeking to advance reliability and asset management. Drawing on the knowledge, experience and perspectives of a more diverse workforce offers many potential benefits for these organizations.

While hackathons have typically been aimed at technology, believes that this collaborative concept is well suited to exploring new ideas that will advance diversity possibilities. Some of these possibilities may be technology-based; all will result in new approaches, applications and ideas that will build and  promote greater diversity in the reliability and asset management community. All material used in the hackathon will be provided to the community under Creative Commons (open source) license at no cost.

Participants will gather at 3:00 PM ET on Friday, December 6, and after team selection, work will begin. In order to support learning and idea generation, participants are encouraged to share links and progress on social media. Team presentations and demonstrations will start at 3:00 PM ET on Saturday, December 7. Evaluation and judging will be carried out by a panel of judges made up of AMP officers, AMP chapter leaders, book authors and sponsors. Winning ideas will be presented at IMC-2019, the 34th International Maintenance Conference.

There is no cost to participate in the hackathon, but space is limited, and advance registration is required. To register, or to learn more about supporting this exciting event, email


Since 1999, discovers and delivers information on approaches that make the people we serve safer and more successful based on three lines of business:

Publishing: Digital and print including Uptime magazine, Publishing with over 150 book titles, website in English and Spanish, and Reliability Radio®.

Conferences: The RELIABILITY Conference™, Maintenance 4.0 Digitalization Forum, The International Maintenance Conference, and MaximoWorld. 

Training and Certification: Certified Reliability Leader workshops and certification based on Uptime Elements – A Reliability Framework and Asset Management System; also Certified Maintenance Manager™ workshops and certification, developed by the Association of Asset Management Professionals (AMP).

About the Association of Asset Management Professionals

The  Association of Asset Management Professionals, or as we like to call it, AMP (formerly the Association for Maintenance Professionals) has a mission to create a new era for the practice of maintenance and reliability in the context of asset management for organizations to enhance the delivery for the triple bottom line of economic prosperity, environmental sustainability and social responsibility.

AMP offers the Certified Reliability Leader ® and Certified Maintenance Manager™ exams. AMP is also the umbrella organization for WIRAM.

For more information, please visit®, Uptime®, The RELIABILITY Conference™, Reliability Leadership Institute®, Certified Reliability Leader®, Reliability Radio® and Certified Maintenance Manager™ are the trademarks or registered trademarks of in the USA and in several other countries.


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