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Bureau Veritas Launches New Oil Condition Monitoring Laboratory in Middelburg, South Africa

The Middelburg laboratory will provide lubricant and oil analysis services assisting maintenance managers in both the industrial and heavy duty equipment markets to predict failures and prevent catastrophic maintenance events. Using the exclusive Lube Oil Analysis Management System (LOAMSSM) software, clients will have access to one application that brings equipment testing and analysis data together from locations around the world.

“The opening of the Middelburg laboratory confirms our commitment to support client needs for lubricant and oil analysis services in South Africa,” said Erick Naidoo, Managing Director for Bureau Veritas Oil & Petrochemicals in South Africa. “With more than 55 years of experience, our clients will benefit from the expertise in OCM testing, data interpretation and advisory services.”

Oil analysis identifies trends in wear and contamination, and monitors changes in the physical properties of lubricants and hydraulic oils. Laboratory data analysts can then pinpoint equipment problems in their earliest stages and make informed recommendations that can improve machine reliability, reduce maintenance and repair costs and significantly extend equipment life.

“Bureau Veritas is committed to investing in our network to ensure we are the global provider of choice for oil condition monitoring services.  Increasing our footprint in South Africa is integral to our global expansion strategy and will provide our customers in this region with industry leading expertise,” said Matt Hopkinson, Senior Vice President, Global Oil & Gas of Bureau Veritas’ Commodities Division.


Bureau Veritas is a world leader in conformity assessment and certification services. Created in 1828, the Group now has 66,000 employees in some 1,400 offices and laboratories located in 140 countries and posted revenues of €4.1 billion in 2014.

Bureau Veritas has built, and continues to maintain an outstanding reputation for independence and technical excellence within the Oil, Gas and Petrochemical industry.

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