IMC is set to revolutionize how we think about Asset Management. Happening in Marco Island, Dec 16th - 19th 2024

IMC 2024 is designed to equip you with the knowledge, strategies, and tools needed to lead with foresight and innovation.

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Commtest Awarded GSA Contract

GSA awards contracts to responsible companies offering commercial items, at fair and reasonable prices, that fall within the generic descriptions in the GSA Schedule Solicitations.

The GSA Schedule includes 62 categories of commercial products and services. These categories cover a wide array of goods and services, from industrial equipment to pencils and erasers. Commtest Instruments, Inc is contracted to provide scientific equipment under schedule 66, specifically vibration analyzers, for the preventive maintenance of rotating machinery.

GSA Schedules are the favored purchasing mechanism for most federal buyers, allowing them to complete acquisitions quickly and easily using the GSA Advantage! Online shopping tool

Commtest is a world-leading partner in designing and delivering machinery health information systems to enhance business performance.

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