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Intelligent knowledge management through better interpretation of data

Zurich/Berlin/Cleveland -- February 2017

Moritz von Plate, CEO of Cassantec

Intelligent use of data continues to be the future issue for the industry. Using stochastic algorithms, visionaries such as Cassantec AG from Zurich help companies to apply their machine data more efficiently. By means of data analysis, companies receive information on when a malfunction will occur and what the probability is. To achieve this outcome, Cassantec goes through a series of three steps with its clients.“From the very start during configuration, companies recognise the great potential inherent in their data and understand their systems better”, Moritz von Plate, CEO of Cassantec, explains.

Rock ‘n’ roll maintenance

Without prior knowledge, data analysis appears complex and very difficult for many clients. “When we begin a new project, its phases can be basically condensed into three steps”, von Plate explains. In the first step, companies, together with Cassantec, determine the condition of the system, based on current and historic condition data and process data. Possession of such data is a prerequisite in order to produce forecasts for equipment. “We show companies that they usually already have these necessary data and how they can interpret them.” With just this initial work step, a ROCK programme can be supported. Here ROCK stands for “Retention of Critical Knowledge”, and its objective is to document and pass on employees’ critical and often unstructured knowledge to subsequent employees. “Knowledge management is becoming increasingly important for companies. No longer do employees stay with the company for decades and frequently they do project-based work. Thus, preparing the knowledge sensibly helps companies not to lose anything”, says von Plate. Through implementation of Cassantec Prognostics, Cassantec’s product, this process is supported by recognising and precisely analysing these critical data during a component’s configuration phase, a huge gain in knowledge.“


Unsuspected possibilities

In order to subsequently prepare the data for the condition-based forecasts, Cassantec correlates these to specific types of malfunctions of the components and specific data-based malfunction characteristics. “Here again, we pinpoint correlations together with our clients”, von Pate explains. In the final step, the provider creates the forecast report, which diagnoses the remaining useful life as well as potential individual malfunction. Upon request, these forecast reports are calculated for the entire machine fleet. They make a learning process possible for the whole fleet, whereby data are used in order to make better decisions in terms of the optimal asset strategy. “We re-process the data and thus give the customer knowledge that he can use in many decision processes. This saves him time and money and supports the company’s knowledge-management process. The possibilities for applying this knowledge also to similar machines and components are big and go way beyond their direct financial impact”, von Plate concludes.

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About Cassantec

Founded as a public limited company in Zurich in 2007, Cassantec and its German subsidiary are specialised in providing customers with highly advanced prognostic solutions. With offices in Zurich, Berlin and Cleveland/USA the company delivers precise forecasts about the condition of equipment and components. Based on such forecasts the operators can derive optimal courses of action. With its prognostic approach the company distinguishes itself from other established monitoring and diagnostic service providers. Cassantec Prognostics is based on new and unique combinations of mathematical methods. They determine condition trends, risk profiles of malfunctions and the remaining useful life of a broad range of machines and equipment. The company can provide references from the power, oil and gas, and process industries and the transport sector. Cassantec is promoted by the Swiss Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI) for its innovative prognostic solution and cooperates with leading universities and industry partners. The name Cassantec (which is an abbreviation of Cassandra Technologies) refers to the figure of Cassandra in Greek mythology who warns of impending dangers. 

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