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Edmonton Hosts 2nd Training Class To Support Facility’s High Sample Volume Growth

Because the new POLARIS facility has been consistently exceeding company expectations in both performance and growth and there is increasingly high interest among prospective customers, the three-day training session has been scheduled a second time to support the company’s expanding customer base. Registration forms are available at or call 1-877-808-3750, ext. 264.
Now processing more than three times the sample volume it was generating at the end of 2008, a second shift has also been added to accommodate the 4,000-square-foot laboratory’s consistent increases in production. Although POLARIS CEO Bryan Debshaw and the company’s three founding partners had expected immediate growth, the facility has far exceeded their initial expectations.

“Canada’s strength in the oil and gas, mining, construction and transportation industries has been a major reason behind our Edmonton laboratory’s success,” Debshaw said. “We expected it to take three years to reach the volume we’re currently processing today.”

Most recently, the laboratory announced it will be providing fluid analysis services for the City of Edmonton. “Now, more than ever, companies are looking to reduce maintenance costs and extend equipment life and that’s what we do,” Debshaw added. “We offer quality test results with innovative data management solutions, training and extensive field services at a price almost 30% lower than that of our competitors.”

About POLARIS LaboratoriesTM

POLARIS LaboratoriesTM provides complete testing and analysis for oils, fuels, coolants and water-based industrial fluids. Its customer base is diverse with a heavy emphasis on the mining, construction and oil and gas industries. Known for providing high quality data, fast turnaround and knowledgeable technical support, the company’s state-of-the-art facilities and instrumentation, highly skilled laboratory technicians and data analysts and an international team of technical sales and service professionals have positioned it at the forefront of the fluid analysis industry. Headquartered in Indianapolis since 1999, the company also has laboratories located in Houston and Salt Lake City. For more information, visit the website at and/or contact the people listed below.

POLARIS LaboratoriesTM Contact
Jacque Powers, Director of Marketing & Communications
7898 Zionsville Road - Indianapolis, IN 46268
Ph: 317.808.3750, x229 - Fax: 317.808.3751

Agency Contact
Ron Smith, MarketWise Solutions
599 Industrial Drive, Suite 201 - Carmel, IN 46032
Ph: 317.564.4898 - Fax: 866.458.5404


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