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First Root Cause Analysis Data Mining, Monitoring and Reporting‏

Midland, MI – For the first time, organizations that conduct root cause analyses can store their report data in a private, shared database, then mine, monitor and report on the collective data. Sologic’s Causelink Enterprise is the first RCA software application that provides dashboard and report views of the entire RCA body of knowledge, giving managers a big-picture understanding that informs decision-making and strengthens reporting.

“In most organizations, a root cause analysis report has provided little to no value after solutions were implemented and the RCA considered ‘closed,’” said Sologic president Chris Eckert.  “Many managers perceive the incredible potential locked away in that decentralized and disjointed data, but didn’t have a technically viable, efficient or affordable way to use it.  Causelink Enterprise is the tool they’ve been waiting for.”

Causelink Enterprise is secure - connecting to a shared database hosted in a company’s private network - and has the capability to integrate with other software solutions, such as action tracking, IT service management, and other third-party Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), along with Active Directory.

Currently in Beta with release planned for December 2012, Causelink Enterprise is the network companion to Causelink standalone version.  Causelink standalone was first introduced in December 2011 and is currently in v1.2 with v2.0 anticipated in November 2012.  Causelink helps organizations to more effectively apply the Sologic root cause analysis method to solve real-world problems by guiding users through a logical process - from initial data gathering through to final reports and resolution plans. Causelink is the only RCA software on the market that clearly displays 50-plus causes in an A4 or 8.5x11” active workspace, printout and PDF, and that is built using a state-of-the-art technology platform compatible with current IT architectures.

Causelink Enterprise empowers users to:

  • Spot systemic opportunities through automated ‘common cause’ detection
  • Monitor RCA progress and Key Performance Indicators
  • Leverage learning across the organization with flexible dashboard reporting
  • Track solution implementation workflow and effectiveness
  • Utilize metrics to identify trends, for instance: incidents of a certain type, over a select period of time, by location. Visuals indicate level of risk and high-impact events.
  • Track analyses by user, group and location
  • Track actions related to analyses and solution implementation
  • Synchronize Causelink standalone version with the Enterprise database for streamlined storage and access
  • Manage users; assign roles and permissions
  • Manage custom location and impact profiles

The Causelink Enterprise manager’s dashboard will display a summary of information that enables managers to thoroughly understand needs and opportunities, and take action, such as:

  • Open RCAs by group or user
    • High-level summary of the RCAs open in a manager’s group or team
    • One-click access to Causelink reporting and charting functions
    • Ability to create and assign a new RCA, or reassign existing RCAs
    • Search criteria that allow managers to find all RCAs open or closed
    • Indication of owner, severity level, start date, number of causes, number of solutions
  • Systemic/Common causes by group
  • Open action items by user, manager or group
  • Personal open action items
  • Solutions implemented
  • Solutions validated for effectiveness
  • Past due solutions
  • Time to complete RCAs by group or user

For more details and screenshots of Causelink Enterprise, visit

To learn more about Causelink:
Download the Causelink v1.2 demo:
Watch a demo video:
View example reports and charts:

Both Causelink Enterprise and Causelink standalone were built based on extensive client research and input, incorporating features clients found important and powerful.  Acknowledging that client experiences and needs evolve, Sologic will continue to gather client feedback and prioritize improvements on an ongoing basis.

About Sologic
Formerly Apollo Associated Services, Sologic provides root cause analysis (RCA) training, software and services to help companies achieve business goals by solving challenging problems and preventing them from recurring. With offices on five continents staffed with experienced trainers, facilitators and investigators able to deliver in multiple languages, our RCA solutions are built on over 20 years of field experience with clients worldwide – particularly to disciplines such as quality, safety, IT, reliability and maintenance, operations and logistics, and legal.  For more information, visit

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