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Hydraulic Institute Introduces Pump Efficiency Prediction Guideline Publication

The guideline contains information that explains how surface roughness and internal pump clearances affect pump efficiency and helps users understand the power consumption and efficiency loss created by bearings, lip seals, mechanical shaft seals, and shaft packing.

The guideline includes these pump types:

·      Slurry, end suction

·      Solids-handling, end suction pumps

·      Submersible sewage, end suction

·      Stock, end suction

·      Horizontal multistage, axial split, segmented ring diffuser barrel

·      ASME B73, API end suction, end suction - small

·      End suction - large (greater than 0.3 m3/s (5000 gpm)

·      API double suction

·      Double suction, general service

·      Vertical turbine, mixed-flow and propeller, single and multistage diffuser type

According to Gregg Romanyshyn, Technical Director of HI, “The data used to develop the material contained in this guideline is based on actual test results from many different rotodynamic pump manufacturers.  The pump community now has a reliable, easy-to-apply method to estimate rotodynamic pump efficiency and compare attainable efficiency levels for different pump types, including factors that influence efficiency.”

Arnie Sdano, Pentair Water - Engineered Flow., led the committee that developed this guideline.  Other committee members included representatives from:  GIW Industries, Inc.; Peerless Pump Company; Weir Specialty Pumps, Patterson Pump Company, Sulzer Pumps (US) Inc.; ekwestral corp; Pentair Water, Residential Flow/Ag-Ind.; ITT - Residential & Commercial Water; Weir Minerals North America; Grundfos Pumps USA. Weir Floway, Inc.

HI Pump Standards are reliable, widely accepted references for anyone involved in pumps, including users, consultants, contractors, construction firms, manufacturers of pumps, seals, motors, instrumentation, controls, and pump software developers and systems integrators.  HI periodically introduces new Standards based on industry needs.  HI’s complete library of ANSI/HI standards for the pump industry is user-friendly, and available in both electronic and print formats at the HI e-Store: or by calling the Hydraulic Institute’s purchasing line at: 973. 267. 9700 Ext 118.


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