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LE Introduces Full Torque Diesel Fuel Improver

LE Diesel Fuel ImproverFull Torque Diesel Fuel Improver is a cetane-boosted, detergent-containing formulation that increases power, improves fuel economy, reduces emissions, and provides smoother performance year-round in diesel engines. It is available in winter (2411) and summer (2421) versions. Both work well in harsh conditions, but the winter version is especially useful in extreme cold weather for easier startups, decreased cold flow temperature, and aiding in the prevention of fuel gelling and ice formation.

Full Torque’s cetane booster increases a fuel’s cetane number up to three numbers, resulting in faster ignition time, more power, easier starts and less smoke at startup. This hard-working diesel supplement is also loaded with special detergents that keep injector systems clean and working at maximum performance, as well as ingredients that protect against wear, water and corrosion. Full Torque was formulated to work with all types of diesel fuels in use today, including ultra low sulfur diesel, biodiesel, and blends.

LE - Full Torque“This product was put to work in field trials in very harsh conditions with multiple independent owner operators, transporting materials from Fairbanks to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. The product performed beyond their expectations,” said Clay Calk, business solutions manager. “We were able to confirm the quality and usefulness of our formulation and build a strong fan base of Full Torque users. We detailed their experience with the product in a series of testimonials, which can be found on our website.”

In addition to long haul diesel engines, other diesel equipment that will benefit from Full Torque are passenger cars, light duty trucks, off-road construction equipment, stationary engines and storage tanks.

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