About Lubrication Engineers
A leader in lubricants since 1951, Lubrication Engineers, Inc., makes reliability easy for its customers, creating solutions for even the toughest lubrication challenges in a variety of industries worldwide. LE boosts profits through longer equipment life, extended service intervals, reduction in energy use, fewer repairs and less inventory. LE’s arsenal includes highly trained consultants, technical expertise, a full complement of reliability products and services, and a comprehensive line of enhanced industrial and automotive lubricants manufactured at its plant in Wichita, Kan. The lubricants are formulated from highly refined or synthetic base oils and proprietary additives, ensuring that they exceed the performance of ordinary oils and greases. Lubrication Engineers operates under an ISO 9001 Certified Quality System.
Call 800-537-7683 or visit www.LElubricants.com for more information about this and other LE products and services, or to find an LE consultant near you.
Media Contacts
Sales, Technical and Customer Service: 300 Bailey Ave. / Fort Worth, TX 76107 / 800-537-7683
Manufacturing, R&D and Training: 1919 E. Tulsa / Wichita, KS 67216 / 316-529-6800
Full TorqueTM is a trademark of Lubrication Engineers, Inc.
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