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Lighthouse Systems Releases Maintenance Module for Shopfloor-Online MES Software

Lighthouse Systems, a leading developer of Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), is proud to announce the release of a new Maintenance module to complement existing Shopfloor-Online solution A good Maintenance Management system can provide a number of benefits, such as increased uptime, greater productivity, fewer quality issues and a reduction of spare parts inventory. When integrated within a MES system, those benefits compound making issues visible throughout your organization.

Helping the operator work more efficiently
Operators on the factory floor tend to be responsible for every aspect of the workspace, not just the operation of the machine. Topics like cleanliness, safety, machine performance and the condition of makes the workplace leaner and more efficient. The operator is now able to view a single dashboard that presents an integrated view of all tasks, from production, quality and maintenance.

Helping senior management be more effective
From a reporting standpoint, maintenance functionality that is fully integrated within a MES enables senior leadership within an organization to see how KPI’s relate to one another. For instance: How do machine faults affect production, quality and scrap figures? Why is one shift’s mean time to repair (MTTR) shorter than another?

The Maintenance Workload component allows management to schedule work for specific groups such as fitters and electricians ensuring that workload is evenly distributed. The maintenance team is then able to record the actual hours spent performing specific tasks so that it can be compared against the plan.

The maintenance module within Shopfloor-Online allows assets (lines, machines, etc), to be modelled in a hierarchy of Parts. When developing maintenance procedures, spare parts can be identified as being required. When the maintenance work is carried out, the part number of the parts replaced can be recorded. The system can give a forward projection of parts required and an account of parts actually used.

Utilize multiple modules to achieve synergies
By combining maintenance data with production and quality the potential benefits improve significantly. Job scheduling can take into account the non-working time for planned scheduled maintenance, the estimated job start and end times are calculated accordingly and updated dynamically if the maintenance period is completed early or extends unexpectedly. If the scheduled maintenance falls mid way through a job then the Line KPI’s (OEE, Percent Quality Checks done etc) are all compensated for during the ‘excluded’ maintenance period.

About Lighthouse Systems
Lighthouse Systems is one of the world’s leading developers of Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) with offices in London, Singapore, Australia and Rochester, NY. Lighthouse Systems Shopfloor-Online is web based modular software that provides real time visibility of the entire manufacturing operations environment. Applications include Maintenance Management, Concern Management, Quality, SPC, Downtime, OEE, Spoilage and Inventory Traceability. Shopfloor-Online is being used in a wide range of industries with some of the biggest manufacturing companies; it is deployed in 15 languages in 28 countries.

For more information visit the our website 


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