Manufacturing Day sponsors provide the resources to support manufacturers participating in the program, a grassroots effort by U.S. manufacturers to improve public perception of manufacturing in America by coordinating awareness-raising activities at a variety of locations across the country on October 2, 2015.
Manufacturing Day is an annual national event, executed at the local level, that supports hundreds of manufacturers across the nation as they host students, teachers, parents, job seekers and other local community members at open houses designed to showcase modern manufacturing technology and careers. A panel of co-producers comprised of the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, International (FMA), the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), the Manufacturing Institute (MI), the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), and guest producer Industrial Strength Marketing (ISM) provide the centralized support necessary to coordinate this nationwide array of simultaneous events. The national media partners for the event are Edge Factor and the Science Channel and the national movie partner is American Made Movie.“The co-producers are grateful for the continued support of these organizations, which are so dedicated to serving the manufacturing sector with their unique services,” said Ed Youdell, president and CEO of the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association. “They help manufacturers on a daily basis and understand the challenges these companies face. Their support and their encouragement of their client and member companies to participate in Manufacturing Day will help to generate participation across the nation.”
To learn more about Manufacturing Day, visit Organizations that wish to become involved as official sponsors should call 888-394-4362 or email
For more information about each of the co-producers, please contact:
Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, Intl.
Patricia Lee
Director of Marketing
(815) 227-8286
National Institute of Standards & Technology
Jennifer Huergo
Director of Media Relations
(301) 975-6343
National Association of Manufacturers and
The Manufacturing Institute
Mallory Micetich
Director, Media Relations
(202) 637-3085
Industrial Strength Marketing
Joey Strawn
Integrated Marketing Director
(866) 529-8908
Science Channel
Joanne Schioppi
Director of Communications
(212) 548-5084
Edge Factor
Larissa Hofman
Director of Communications
(716) 805-3370
American Made Movie
Trey Ditto
Ditto Public Affairs
(512) 619-1343