Dan comes to MPulse with an extensive background in software, hardware, and customer support. His background in technology solutions, sales and service department management make him an excellent fit for working with MPulse customers to deliver our integrated MPulse DataLink Maintenance Solutions Program.
DataLink is a solution based offering that integrates an organization’s key technologies to provide the most effective use of maintenance data to solve real-world problems. The DataLink Maintenance Solutions Program provides the technical expertise to connect and integrate existing hardware and software applications (regardless of the platform) to MPulse, allowing customers to optimize their data investment across multiple business systems.
MPulse Maintenance Software is a division of SpecTech, Inc., a proven innovator, developer, and distributor of affordable, easy to use computerized maintenance management systems and solutions. For over 15 years MPulse has delivered exceptional value and outstanding support to thousands of clients in manufacturing, education, healthcare, government, and others.
For further information contact:
Daniel LaFollette: dan@mpulsesoftware.com