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Nord-Lock has acquired Superbolt

Superbolt and P&S offer high-quality products for critical bolting applications.  The products are used in heavy industries such as offshore, energy and mining. Like Nord-Lock, Superbolt and P&S have developed an excellent solution that provides maximum security, and hold global recognition.

Consequently two of the most innovative and trusted bolt securing technologies are brought together.

“The acquisition of Superbolt and P&S is another giant step forward in our vision to be the undisputed global leader in bolt securing” says Mikael Helmerson, Managing Director of the Nord-Lock Group. “We have very high expectations for our new common future.”

Robert Steinbock, President of Superbolt continues, “The synergies between Nord-Lock and Superbolt are the best we have seen of all the companies that we have ever considered joining with”. Together with Allan Steinbock, Vice-President, Robert is excited about the potential for the whole company and the ability of the group to now meet all bolt securing needs. The CEO of P&S, Roman Germann, concludes “Nord-Lock and Superbolt are active in the same sectors and our products are often used in the same challenging conditions”.

The combined competence of Superbolt and Nord-Lock is unique in the bolt-securing industry. We will be able to serve global customers with an impressive line-up of safe and cost effective solutions for critical applications.

Read more about Superbolt & P&S at:


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