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Precision Microshim Simplifies Machinery Adjustments

No more trial and error lifting machinery to slip in shims and wedges or trips to the machine shop to make spacer blocks.  With the Microshim, the user adjusts a stainless steel lifting bolt to raise or lower the machine.  Height adjustments of 0.001 inch are possible and each Microshim will lift and support 10,000 pounds.  Applying adhesive to the two sliding surfaces allows for adjustment before the Microshim is permanently locked to a specific height.  Each Microshim is milled from a solid block of aluminum and protected by a hard anodized coating.  All lifting hardware is fabricated in stainless steel.  A set of four Microshims are packed in a case for easy and quick use.

The Microshim and other innovative products are manufactured in the United States by Pinpoint Laser Systems and are available through a growing network of representatives and distributors.


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