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PRUFTECHNIK Reinforces Footprint in North America

PHILADELPHIAApril 1, 2016 – Through the merger of its North American operations in Canada and USA, PRUFTECHNIK further establishes its presence on the North American territory. With the new organization, the makers of OPTALIGN and ROTALIGN kick-start the direct distribution of their products in the USA.

“The new operation enables PRUFTECHNIK to bridge the gap between the R&D, product management, international sales and production in Germany and the end user community in the United States. The “factory direct” approach makes us more customer-centric.”, explains Florian Buder, CEO at PRUFTECHNIK North America.

PRUFTECHNIK is the market leader in laser alignment systems and a world leading solution provider for the maintenance of rotating equipment. PRUFTECHNIK’s portfolio of products and services ranges from the monitoring of machine health and fault diagnosis through to corrective solutions such as alignment and field balancing. PRUFTECHNIK operates 20 sales and service locations around the world.

PRUFTECHNIK runs three offices in North America today. PRUFTECHNIK Philadelphia focuses on sales, product service and distribution as well as machinery services including alignment, monitoring, and PARALIGN Service for roll alignment since 2005. PRUFTECHNIK Montreal continues its operations on the Canadian soil out of its Laval office. The Nondestructive Testing business unit is represented by PRUFTECHNIK’s 100% owned group member Eddytech Inc. in Cleveland.

“Our extensive local distribution and support network comprising 20 representatives across the territory remains mostly unchanged, which guarantees a seamless transition for our existing users”, adds Florian Buder.

Come and see PRUFTECHNIK Inc. in one of the many conferences and trade shows. To find out the dates and locations, please visit:


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