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SDT Announces Mananged Ultrasound

Ultrasound contributes significantly to reliability by providing insight about the health of assets, by reducing energy waste, and improving product quality and throughput. Reliability departments view ultrasound as a key technology to identify failure modes that erode productivity, profitability, and uptime.

Creating a world-class in-house ultrasound program promises fast return on investment when successfully implemented. Managed Ultrasound exists to help clients navigate the barriers that threaten success. Those barriers include inexperience, lack of leadership, and resistance to culture change.

SDT believes that the burden of achievement should rest on the shoulders of both client and solutions provider. Managed Ultrasound is a partnership forged to share this responsibility equally. This partnership includes SDT’s roadmap to a world-class ultrasound; a 36 month journey with three milestones.

To reach each milestone SDT provides mentorship, hardware, software, training, support, and a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

The traditional B2B relationship is nothing more than an asset transfer from the supplier’s balance sheet to the customer’s. It’s antiquated and at times unfair and self-serving. MANAGED Ultrasound bridges the supplier/customer gap while funding the ultrasound program from operations budget. More than that, it provides guaranteed success, stress free implementation, and longevity; all for a low monthly cost that is easily justified by fast ROI.

Managed ultrasound represents a new way of thinking to be sure. As ultrasound testing takes its place as a key element of your asset condition management strategy you know you need to do more… to hear more.
For more information, visit or contact Jim Pallister at or 905-377-1313.

ABOUT SDT: SDT provides ultrasound solutions that give our customers a better understanding about the health of their factory. We help them predict failures, control energy costs, and improve product quality while contributing to the overall uptime of their assets.


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