The OPTI-LUX 365 works with all oil- and water-based fluorescent dyes: OIL-GLO® 22 (yellow), OIL-GLO® 30 (white), OIL-GLO® 33 (green), OIL-GLO® 40 (bright blue), OIL-GLO® 44(yellow/green), OIL-GLO® 45 (blue) and OIL-GLO® 50 (red), as well as WATER-GLO® 801 and WATER-GLO® 802 water dyes. It produces a brilliant glow that makes all leaks easier to find, while slashing valuable diagnostic time! The flashlight even works with difficult-to-fluoresce dirty fluids.
The OPTI-LUX 365 is compact, lightweight and more than twice as powerful as most corded, high-intensity UV lamps. “Instant-on” operation enables the flashlight to reach full power immediately, and it provides up to four hours of continuous run-time. The rugged, anodized aluminum lamp body reduces corrosion and stands up to years of heavy use.
The flashlight comes complete with a lanyard, belt holster, two rechargeable batteries, smart charging cradle with AC power cord and UV-absorbing spectacles, all conveniently packaged in a padded carrying case.

For more information about the Spectroline® OPTI-LUX™ 365 (part no. OLX-365) LED leak detection flashlight, call toll-free 1-800-274-8888. Outside the United States and Canada, call 516-333-4840. Website at