Improve Asset Reliability & Efficiency at The Reliability Conference

The Reliability Conference 2025: Actionable Insights for Reliability Success.

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Last month, my Maintenance tip was on Criticality and finding that sweet spot of the correct number of critical machines. This month, continuing with Criticality in mind, I wanted to discuss who should be involved in determining Criticality.

If you ask the Operations Manager, all of the machines are critical, if you ask the Maintenance Manager, only the bad actors are critical, ask the Planners, and only the machines that have hard to find spares are critical. It is important that you involve all of the Stakeholders in the Operation to help determine Criticality.

Operations, Maintenance, Purchasing, Health & Safety, and, yes, even Finance should all have a say in determining criticality. This committee should not only determine Criticality on current assets but also establish the criterion for future assets when commissioned. Making sure that all agree and communicate what Criticality means in your operations will lead to an effective maintenance strategy.
Commtest is a World-leading partner in designing and delivering machinery health information systems to enhance business performance.

Tip Provided by: Rod Acklin, CMRP - General Manager
Commtest, Inc.
Phone number: +1 865-588-2946
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