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How to Prevent Kits from Being Short after Being Completed

Kits are often assembled outside the storeroom in an unsecure area. When out in the open the temptation is to take a part that is short and use it from another Kit, thinking that this can be replaced before the Kit is needed in the field. This compounds a problem as this Kit has a part replaced from another, causing shortages down the line. The best way to control this is to have a Kit staged in a secure area, preventing parts from being used for another Kit. The replenishment would be controlled, and future Kits would not be affected. The same goes for extra parts that were not needed for the repair. Its return back to the storeroom should also be controlled, by certifying the part is usable again (No holes drilled or part changed before its return) and re-binned for future projects.

Tip provided by Daniel DeWald, CPIM, GPAllied


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