Inspection results are often vague and subjective because they tend not to accurately specify the severity of equipment condition. When results are open to interpretation like OK/Normal or Not OK/Abnormal, maintenance plans cannot be optimized. This may lead to maintenance being performed too early or too late, causing more costly maintenance than necessary. We need to be more specific in how we define inspections to ensure accurate and consistent recording of equipment condition.
Make it easy for any inspector by predefining condition severities that can be selected when doing the inspection. This leaves the guesswork out of it. Ivara EXP Enterprise is a tool that allows us to set predefined severity states for each piece of equipment. By using these predefined states during an inspection, we can identify the equipment's actual state and compare its performance against its normal condition. Once we have enough data about equipment that we have inspected using these severity states, we can track and trend equipment performance. This will provide the information we need to perform the right corrective work at the right time.
To find out more about how Ivara EXP can help you make condition inspections easy, come back next month to read the next Ivara tip on or visit Ivara's website now at
Tip provided by Ivara