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What are the Values, Beliefs and Expectations of your Maintenance Storeroom?

"Your attitude is an expression of your values, beliefs and expectations" - Brian Tracy, The Treasury of Quotes

This quote is timely in the discussion of Maintenance, Repair, and Operation (MRO) supplies and the maintenance storeroom. The condition and current state of MRO and storerooms are definitely a result of attitude, beliefs, and expectations. In many business and factories, management's emphasis is on production, raw material inventories; work in process inventories and finished goods. Maintenance parts, repair parts and operating supplies have been given a secondary status of importance. As a result, machine downtime is often a crisis and an emergency. It is easier to be chaotic and yell and scream over who is at fault than it is to look at the issue in a more national manner. Once the crisis is over, management again returns to push on production, rather than worry about downtime, equipment condition, preventive maintenance (PM), failures, risk management and the cost of expediting. Why is this?

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Tip Provided By Daniel DeWald CPIM, CMRP, CPM, CPMM Senior Consultant
People and Processes, Inc.

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